Patriot is steadfast in the continual improvement of its approach to responsible environmental management. Protecting the natural environment, promoting biodiversity, and reducing the impacts of climate change are integral to project lifecycles.
Commitments :
key highlights
- Filed the Shaakichiuwaanaan Mine Project Preliminary Information Statement to the government of Québec (November 2023).
- Reception of Project-specific guidelines for the proposed Shaakichiuwaanaan Mining Project (isued by government of Québec – March 2024).
- Began Shaakichiuwaanaan Mining Project’s Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA).
- Environmental baseline field data collection is underway at the Shaakichiuwaanaan site (began in 2022).
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Shaakichiuwaanaan Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Processes
A provincial assessment & review procedure is applicable to all mining projects located south of the 55th parallel, in the territory is governed by the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (“JBNQA”).
The COMEX – Environmental and Social Impact Review Committee is a bipartite Quebec-Cree body, responsible for reviewing projects south of the 55th parallel. It is comprised of 2 members appointed by the Cree and 3 members appointed by Québec.
steps of the esia process
Preliminary Information Statement
Following the submission of the Preliminary Information Statement to the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP) in November 2023, the MELCCFP issued the project-specific ESIA Guidelines in March 2024. The guidelines are outlining the scope and nature of the ESIA that must be undertaken for the potential Shaakichiwaanaan mine.
Patriot is organising information sessions with local stakeholders to explain regulatory procedures, present information on Shaakichiuwaanaan Project and to invite to feedback. A video was produced to explain the Shaakichiuwaanaan Preliminary Information Statement and it is available in French, Cree and English.
Baseline data collection:
to understand the state of the environment before the project

COMEV has createed a webpage for Shaakichiuwaanaan (formerly Corvette), you can follow the development and the documentation on the potential mine under study there.